Toques from the Heart' has teamed up with organizations in every province and territory this year and are hoping to put 35,000 toques in the hands of Canadians who need them.
By: Stephen Hunt CTV News Calgary Reporter
A mission to help Canadians experiencing homelessness has made its way to Calgary.
'Toques from the Heart' donated 400 toques to two local charities Friday.
Last year, the organizers handed out 2,500 of them across Ontario, prompting them to expand the initiative across the country.
"I think it's awesome," said MacKenzie Stewart, from Allegiance Hockey. "A bunch of kids who are ambitious and want to change the world…watch it unfold."
'Toques from the Heart teamed up with organizations in every province and territory this year, and are hoping to put 35,000 toques in the hands of Canadians who need them.