Buy a Toque = Give a Toque
We're Toques From The Heart
We understand how hard it can be during the cold Canadian winters, especially without a toque. So we decided to create the perfect toques with a purpose. Every style is crafted to fit and feel great so you can take on winter more comfortably. And for every toque purchased, we give one to a Canadian in need, because everyone deserves to stay warm.

Did you know?
35,000 Canadians Experience Homelessness on any given night
Toques are an essential piece of clothing during the cold Canadian winters. Our goal is help Canadians in need stay warm throughout the colder months by getting a toque on every single one of their heads, while at the same time raise awareness to the growing problem of homelessness in Canada.

The Problem
Not everyone has easy access to new and warm clothing
We have seen first hand how difficult it can be for our giving partners to get brand new clothing to distribute. Majority of the clothing donations they receive are used and often times worn out. By giving new, warm, and durable toques (from the heart) we aim to instill comfort and confidence in those who receive them. A single toque can go a long way...
Our Mission
"Warming heads and hearts across the country, one toque at a time."
This has been our mission since day one. Since then we've donated thousands of toques Canada wide through partnering with over 100 amazing non-profit and charity organizations.
Media Coverage
Every time we are able to share our story on the news we're able to help so many more people, we are very grateful. Watch our recorded live segments here!